Sunday, June 06, 2010

Photos and Info

I know you're probably tired of all the flower photos, but I've been feeling "off" in regards to beading lately. I have started a new RAW cuff with the hope that it will turn out as I imagine for the BAO Challenge theme ("A Novel Idea"). And though it's going slowly, I am at least working on something! I have also decided to list the champagne cuff I originally made for myself. I will make another, somewhat smaller version for myself sometime later on.

On another note, after thinking it through then adding my favorite blogs to my Google Reader, I am going to drop Entrecard (pun intended!). It's been great for traffic, but I find that I don't have enough time for everything I normally do plus dropping from two different blogs. So, thank you to all my loyal droppers and I hope you'll stop by from time to time anyway or maybe even add me to your reader! I'm hoping with the little extra time I'll have, I'll be able to post more regularly!

Photos (top-bottom):
1: Sterling Silver Rose
2: Perfect White Rose
3: Deep Pink Verbena
4: Yellow Daisy
5: Euphoric Honey Bee on a Miniature Pink Petunia


Anna's Adornments said...

Dear Anna,
Please don't drop Entrecard. You don't have to be a top dropper. Lots of people hardly drop at all. But if you stay, you will get visits and people will discover your jewellery. I know dropping takes time and seems meaningless. Just stop dropping. Pick out five sites you really like and would like to visit anyway and just drop on them. If you don't have time to drop, just don't.
Lovely flowers! It's ok to have other posts that purely jewellery on your blog. You don't need to apologise. Everybody strays from their theme at times. Look at me, my latest post has no jewellery at all.
Please think about staying.
Best wishes,
"Anna" (my real name is Christina)

Anna's U-words

Anna's Adornments said...

There, now you see which site it is.

Best wishes again from
"Anna" (aka Christina)

I'll try that link once more:

annarose said...

Thanks Christina! I understand what you're saying. I've actually found that (for me) I garner more traffic from commenting on my fave blogs than I was with EC. That's what I plan on doing with the time I'm saving. Something a little middle name is Christine!

Marlaine said...

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one "off" beading right now!  I have to say that I'm content to be exploring other mediums for now.

annarose said...

Me too. I found that I love photography! Of course my husband bought himself a new camera that takes even more amazing photos than mine, the bum! ;)