Katherine of
Whoops-a-Daisy has tagged me and here's the deal:
• Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself
• People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog
• Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names
• Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they have been tagged and to read your blog
1. Other than beading, I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up!
2. My husband and I have been married for almost 21 years.
3. Bakery is my downfall.
4. My two teenage daughters are taller than me. (Oldest by one inch and youngest
by five inches!)
5. Favorite food: Mexican.
6. Avid reader.
7. We have a wonderful, loving, sweet golden retriever named Sadie.
Tagged crafters:
Sarah from "Sarah-n-Dipitous"
Sandra Eileen from "Artisan Jewelry"
Dawn Chastain from "A Little Something" (BTW - Diana Gabaldon is GREAT!)
Carol from "Sand Fibers"
Beadin' Gram of "Beaded Creations" and "Pollyanna's Pages"
LB from "The Lone Beader" and "Behind the Beam" and "Adventures of the Lone Beader"
Beadexplorer from "Beadexplorer" and "Tree of Life"